What is Online Safety?
This is the safe use of the Internet for gaming and communication as well the understanding that information shared on the Internet (such as news articles) are not always accurate. It includes devices such as laptops, tablets, smart phones and games consoles as well as software such as AI. It is important that children and young people understand the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using and sharing information online.
At East Acton Primary we understand how important it is that children, parents and staff keep up to date with new developments in online safety and understand how to stay safe online.
KCSIE (Keeping Children Safe in Education) is a guiding factor for our new updated policies and, as a school, we are now making it our mission to educate our whole school community in online safety.
During all of our lessons there are elements of our S.M.A.R.T rules which are there to make sure children have up to date information and guidance when accessing the Internet.
S - Safe: stay safe online by not giving out personal information.
M - Meet: meeting someone you have met online could be dangerous. Online friends are strangers.
A - Accepting: don't accept emails or messages from people you don't know.
R - Reliable: people online might lie about who they really are. Only chat online to your real-world friends and family.
T - Tell: tell someone (parent, carer, trusted adult) if you are worried about any online issues.
Children are taught to:
- Recognise online risks.
- Understand safe online relationships.
- Protect themselves from use of technology and social media.
- Manage any issues involving technology.
- Make a report