
East Acton Primary School "Growing Together"


Geography at East Acton is designed to give children the interest and understanding into their surroundings and environment. We aim to foster children's sense of wonder at the beauty of the world around them. Through studying a range of topics varying from far away countries to our local area, children can develop their skills of enquiry, questioning and problem solving. Through developing these skills there are opportunities for children to examine social, economic, political and environmental issues.

Geography at Key Stage 1

We aim to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding by building on previous knowledge, relating new ideas their own environment. The children will study their local area and begin to understand physical and human features. From this they will begin to look at the wider world, compare and contrast the similarities and differences to their locality.

Geography at Key Stage 2

The focus at Key Stage 2 is again to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding with an emphasis on people, places and environments at different scales. The children will look in more depth at the wider world and develop an appreciation of how places relate to each other. There is more of a focus on developing geographical skill to which the focal point is on field work, giving the children a first-hand experience at what they are studying.

Through the study of geography children will be able to develop their values and attitudes by working together, listening to each other and treating them with respect. Children can develop language skills, and geographical language through talking about their work and presenting their own ideas using sustained and systematic writing of different kinds.

EAPS Geography Curriculum
