
East Acton Primary School "Growing Together"

School Uniform

Uniform ordering and collection

Order your uniform by clicking here.

We encourage children to wear the school uniform with pride.  School uniform sets the tone for learning and makes the children feel confident and part of the school.  Positive attitudes to school are demonstrated by how children arrive well presented wearing the agreed school uniform. 


Reasons to ensure your child comes to school in correct uniform:

  • Wearing a school uniform helps to promote equality.
  • East Acton Primary celebrates the diversity of its pupils, but at the same time the uniform shows they all share one identity in being part of the school.
  • School uniform will mean there are fewer distractions in lessons, by for example avoiding pupils being in competition with each other over what they are wearing.
  • Uniforms are also useful from a safeguarding perspective, in that it makes pupils easily identifiable. This is particularly important on a school trip when supervising pupils.
  • A uniform is a low cost and convenient form of clothing in which parents can send children to school every day - avoiding any discussions or arguments about what to wear in the morning! 


The uniform comprises:

  • red sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • red or white polo shirt with school logo
  • grey or black trousers
  • grey skirt or grey pinafore
  • checked red and white summer dress
  • sensible flat black shoes - not boots or trainers
  • plain red, black or white hijab


No short skirts or fashion items with logos should be worn.  Trainers are not allowed except if brought separately for PE.  We ask that parents purchase a school book bag for children in years Reception and Year 1 and school rucksacks for children in Year 2 to Year 6. No jewellery except for studs for pierced ears only. 


Non-compliance with the Wearing of School Uniform

If children arrive out of uniform, reminder notes will be sent home and parents will be contacted to provide appropriate uniform or a time frame for when it will be provided.  When speaking to the children the school will be considerate and discreet when trying to establish why a pupil is not wearing the correct uniform. 


We understand that sometimes there will be a good reason for non-compliance with the wearing of school uniform. Where this is the case, parents should explain this to the child's class teacher upon arrival at school, either in a letter or in person.


PE Kit

Correct PE kit must be worn for every session and it is advisable for children to leave this in school at all times.  It can be taken home for washing at the end of each half term (or more often if required).  For indoor and outdoor PE lessons your child will need:

  • Black slip-on plimsolls or trainers
  • White t-shirt
  • black shorts or black track suit bottoms.


All clothing and PE bags must be labelled clearly with your child's name.  As we have limited storage space in cloak room areas, large bags should be avoided for storing PE kits.
