
East Acton Primary School "Growing Together"

Vision and Values


At East Acton Primary School we help every child to achieve their highest potential.


  • We believe all children should acquire the skills to become independent, life-long learners.
  • Within a safe and happy environment, we encourage children to become confident, reflective and resilient individuals who aim high, persevere and achieve well.
  • With the support of parents, carers and the local community, we encourage children to be positive citizens who show respect and take pride in all they do.

Our "values tree" is re-visited with staff and students each Friday in our weekly Golden Assemblies.  One child from each class is selected for the way in which they have consistently demonstrated one of our core values as shown on the branches of our "values tree".  They then add a Golden Leaf to the appropriate branch on the tree showing their name and what they have done to demonstrate our school's vision and values.

What do British Values Look Like at East Acton Primary?

  1. Democracy - we make decisions.  We take turns.  We share ideas. We respect all ideas.  We work together.  We vote for our School Council.
  2. Rule of Law - we have high standards of behaviour.  We understand right from wrong.  We respect our environment.  We look after each other.  We follow the East Acton rules.
  3. Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith -  we treat others the way we want to be treated.  We respect and celebrate all cultures and faiths.  We respect the opinions of others.
  4. Equality and Diversity - We treat everyone fairly and with dignity by valuing their individual characteristics such as age, disability, sex, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, and pregnancy and maternity.  We help everyone achieve their highest potential.
  5. Individual Liberty - We are free to express our opinion.  We are free to share our feelings.  We take on challenges.  We develop our self esteem.  We choose what to play.