We follow the PSHE scheme of work which has been designed for Ealing Schools. While at East Acton Primary, children will learn about healthy eating, body and dental hygiene, road safety, avoidance of the misuse of drugs, safety, aspects of social and emotional behaviour, respect and tolerance for others. All students will learn the ‘PANTS’ rules and how to keep safe. The rules are:
Through our PSHE curriculum we aim to develop positive attitudes and values that influence healthy patterns of behaviour, to explore and understand feelings, attitudes and values and to equip pupils with the skills to make informed choices.
It is our aim that pupils will become informed, active and responsible citizens who will play a positive role in shaping our society for the good.
The teaching of Sex Education is an integral part of the PSHE curriculum. Our curriculum takes account of the class and age appropriate lessons are carefully tailored to meet the needs of the children.
Under the arrangements for sex education arising from the 1993 Education Act parents are able to withdraw pupils from all or part of the sex education curriculum that does not form part of the National Curriculum.
Through PSHE we aim to: