At East Acton Primary school, we are focused on providing high quality physical education for all children. We deliver inclusive and engaging lessons and encourage students to participate in a wide range of physical activities. Our aim is that children will become positive and active learners who are inspired to pursue and exceed in sports and other physical activities. Our curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop their physical literacy and supports their health, fitness and wellbeing.
We provide the children with 2 hours of PE (1 hour from J and C Academy and 1 hour from the teachers) which meets the government guidelines of ensuring that children are fit and healthy learners and are provided with skills that can help them excel.
At Key Stage 1, we focus on developing fundamental movement skills. We provide students with opportunities to become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance, coordination, individually and with others. Children are engaged in:
-Running, jumping, throwing and catching
-Finding space and using it effectively, the importance of a warm up and cool down
-Developing ball handling skills
-Enhancing hand and eye coordination
-Working independently and collaboratively
-Communicating when playing sport
-Gymnastics (Balances, moving, shapes, linking, sequencing, posture, counterbalancing, forward rolls, backward rolls, log, rolls)
-Introduction to Striking and Fielding, Athletics (prep for sports day)
At Key Stage 2, the children will then learn sports more competitive games, such as Basketball, Rugby, Gymnastics, Dodgeball, Tennis, Cricket, Football and Athletics as well as prepare for sports day. They will be given the opportunity to use and apply a broader range of skills, communicate, collaborate and compete with each other. They will develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognize their own success.
Children will explore:
-Running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and combination
-Competitive games (rules, working footwork, passing, technique, attack and defense)
-Athletics and Gymnastics
-Peer evaluation and reflection.
These will help children to hone their current skills and begin to develop the prerequisite skills for secondary school. They will be able to play with confidence and be able to choose a sport that meets their ambitions.
School Sports Teams
The school has developed a good relationship with local schools to provide with the opportunity to compete against other schools. Year 4, 5 and 6 (Boys and Girls) all have teams in Netball, Football and have a chance to apply what they have learnt to real life competitive settings. They take part in friendlies or tournaments organized here at school or by another of the local schools.
Sports Council
The school has set up its first Sports Council with girl and boy representatives from years 3,4,5,6. They meet the first and last Friday of every term to discuss all school sporting matters, any concerns they have about sports or ideas on how to enhance the break and lunchtimes provision if required. It’s a great way of developing leadership skills, communicating ideas and building confidence.
QPR Football Club
The school has established a solid relationship with QPR football club who comes in on Mondays and delivers some physical education lessons and also creates tournaments with ourselves and other schools. This gives the children the opportunity to experience what it’s like working with qualified professionals and playing in a high class sports environment.
Extra-Curricular (Clubs)
The school has breakfast and after school clubs every day. They are offered a multiple of sports which change from week to week.
At lunchtime the children are provided with a range of sports activities. This is supported by the lunchtime staff and playground friends. A football League is played every week, to enhance, communication, positive behavior and teamwork across the schools at lunchtime this involves years 4, 5, 6. Children are offered a range of clubs including: Multisports- Basketball, Rugby, Gymnastics, Dodgeball, Tennis, Cricket, Football, Athletics, Football and Non- contact Boxing.
Sports Day and Enrichment
The school year culminates with sports day, which gives the children the chance to use and apply and showcase the skills they have learnt. It’s also a chance to celebrate the progress they have made throughout the year.
The Enrichment club offers boxing as a choice to help the children understand the importance of dedication and discipline.