
East Acton Primary School "Growing Together"


East Acton Primary teaches French as its Modern Foreign Language. It is also the language that most of our children will go on to learn and further embed at their local secondary school. The learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for all children. It enables children to develop communication and literacy skills that lay the foundation for future language learning. They develop linguistic competence, extend their knowledge of how language works and explore differences and similarities between the French language and English. Learning another language raises awareness of the multilingual and multicultural world giving them an insight into their own culture and those of others. As East Acton is a multicultural school, the mother tongues of all our pupils are valued and celebrated and we know that promoting the learning of languages is important to breaking down cultural barriers and fostering intercultural understanding. Learning how to speak a foreign language will increase students’ cultural capital and enable them compete and achieve in a global marketplace.

