East Acton Primary School works inclusively with our families to maximise the learning potential of all children in our community. Pupils with SEND are valued members of our school community and every effort is made to support their individual needs.
East Acton Primary School's Special Educational Needs and Disability policy is part of the school's ongoing development plan and reflects its aims and objectives.
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) coordinates with parents, children, Teachers and Specialist Services. If you have any questions about the Special Educational Needs of your child, please contact the SENCO, Ms Fisher.
Ms T Fisher (SENCO)
Telephone number: 020 8762 0540
Email: senco@eastacton.ealing.sch.uk
About Ealing's Local Offer
The name 'Local Offer' is used to describe all the services and provision available to children, young people and families 'locally' who are living with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
The Local Offer website is a resource to help you understand what is available and how to access services and support.
Ealing's Local Offer includes:
- Early years and childcare
- Links to SEND provision within all schools
- Education, Health & Care (EHC) Assessment & Plan information
- Health and wellbeing
- Specific conditions
- Short breaks
- Money and benefits
- Housing adaptations
- Travel assistance
- Preparing for Adulthood (inc. housing, employment, support)
- SEN Support for Education